Editor's Disclaimer: If you feel that "Pussy-Grabber" is too vulgar, we sincerely apologize for refusing to censor ourselves. However, being offended is kind of the point; after all, Trump DID say that he grabs pussies. So to call him a "pussy-grabber" is sort of just stating facts. But if you can't stand the word "pussy," try President-Elect "Kitty-Grabber" instead.
It has taken me two weeks to put my thoughts to paper. Braver, stronger women than me have blogged extensively about their post-election headspace. The results of the recent US election have introduced new words to my daily vocabulary: demagoguery, Alt-Right, xenophobe. These are words I never thought I would have to use on the regular. But alas, here I sit over coffee with my 8 year old explaining the word bigot. Seriously?
We have one man to thank for this. President-Elect Pussy-Grabber.
The aftermath of this election left me reeling with a feeling of powerlessness. So today ladies and gentlemen I rejoin the ranks of the empowered with one simple Chrome extension. Yes that's right, my small perhaps insignificant act of empowerment is taking 2 seconds to enable a Chrome extension called Word Replacer II.
In an effort to combat the normalization of the President-Elect, I have set my Chrome browser to replace the word Trump with the word "Pussy-Grabber". For the next 4 (hopefully less) years, my browser will return results like the following:
